Tuesday, September 27, 2016

About this blog

I came about this topic for a blog because of its relevance to my major as a special education teacher and because it is a hot new topic in education that many people have opinions on. Inclusion in special education is an important topic to me because in the field of education, every student deserves the right to be in a successful environment where learning can take place and grow. As I am in the process of becoming a special educator, it is my job to provide my students with the education they deserve. This blog will give me a place to go and talk about what I have learned about inclusion, the in’s and out’s on a day-to-day basis for the students’ and teachers’ alike.

In this blog I hope to give the knowledge that I know to others who are questioning inclusion, and also receive feedback from others who maybe have questions, or know more than I do about the topic and can provide feedback better feedback then I can. The people that I expect to read this would be future teachers, such as me, or professionals who work with the topic on a daily basis.